
Defibrillator at the entrance to the LabelProfi building

Defibrillator at the entrance to the LabelProfi building

Taking care of the employee's health is one of the basic guidelines we follow in our company LabelProfi. We are aware that in sudden cardiac arrest, minutes count.

As a socially responsible company, we have decided to install an AED defibrillator at the entrance to our building. It can be used in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) by anyone in its immediate vicinity: employees, our customers, passers-by, or random visitors in the nearest industrial area.

The new acquisition represents the additional safety and responsibility that our employees deserve. In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, the AED device provides the user with quick, vital defibrillation, which is crucial in the first minutes of cardiac arrest. All our employees will pass the training on how to work and intervene with AEDs.